2020 Annual Report
Sammy's Story
Outpatient mental health care is an integral part of the programs offered at St. Aloysius and is provided at our Clermont County, Butler County, and Reading Road locations.
A unique aspect of our Clermont location is our offices are situated within a primary care office setting. Our clinicians share office space with Healthsource of Ohio pediatricians who are literally across the hall. Being under the same roof enables close collaboration with our medical colleagues, and it facilitates optimal treatment for the children and families under our collective care. Psychiatric/MED-SOM services are available at this location as well, provided by a St. Aloysius Certified Nurse Practitioner. A family can receive comprehensive, multi-modal treatment in one location covering basic healthcare, outpatient counseling, and psychiatric care, as needed.
Our success with this integrated care model is illustrated by the following family’s story:
Sammy is a 10-year-old young man from Clermont County who first came to St. Al’s in the summer of 2019. Demonstrating behavior challenges in the home, school, and community; he especially struggled with managing emotions, lacking a strong self-awareness, and relating and interacting well with others. In his initial assessment, he portrayed violent tendencies. He expressed a desire to harm himself and others, had low self-worth, including viewing himself as bad, stupid, and hated by his family and peers. Following a thorough assessment by St. Al’s supportive team, he was diagnosed with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder-Combined Presentation; Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder.

All of these challenges led to suspension from his local school. Sammy expressed getting into trouble for “everything, even when I am being good or didn’t do anything,” and feelings of defeat, culminating in “being bad because I am bad.” He needed our help to realize when and why he struggled in these areas and develop special coping mechanisms and abilities.
Over the past year, Sammy has worked hard with a strong supportive treatment team, including his mother and father, St. Al’s therapist, nurse practitioner, and primary care physician. He has engaged in weekly therapy along with medication management and successfully returned to school. He completed 3rd grade without any formal behavioral reprimands or suspensions since September 2019! He utilizes positive problem-solving and communication skills to enhance his relationships with family, peers, and others. A true sign of his progress is recognizing he is loved and accepted by others.
According to his mother, “He’s doing so good. He’s not arguing and fighting. He’s happy. He uses coping skills when he’s getting frustrated or mad; he looks forward to coming (meeting with the St. Al’s team) every week and talking things out.”
Best of all, Sammy has begun the 4th grade at his local school as a calm and bright young man with an even brighter future!