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2020 Annual Report


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The storm we have weathered

has made us stronger,

highlighted our resilience,

and made us more


than ever before.

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Dear St. Al's Community,


Our forecast was sunny and bright through the first half of our fiscal year. We were moving through a smooth leadership transition in the executive director's role, and our finances were looking great with exceptional leadership from our board and staff. Demand for services was up, and our children were progressing nicely in both their academics and therapy with our teachers and clinical teams' support. The St. Al's Executive Board and Staff were both very optimistic as we began the new year.


Little did we know that a major storm named COVID-19 was on the horizon. In January and February, what was like a tropical depression turned into a Category 5 hurricane that continues impacting everyone's life today.


The title of our annual report is "DETERMINED" because it has been the attitude of our staff and executive board from day one of this crisis. Determined to continue serving children who desperately need our services. Determined to take care of our furloughed team members and staff working from home- including providing the safest working conditions possible for staff whose jobs require them to be on-site. Determined to navigate the pandemic's financial impact, weather this storm, and come out the other side positioned for success.


Thank you to our donors, agency partners, and volunteers who continue to step up like rescue workers to help us get through this crisis. We appreciate your continued support! Thank you to the St. Al's staff, who continue seeking innovative ways to serve children. You are amazing!  


We are resilient, and there is always a rainbow on the horizon. The children and families we serve need us to stay strong and committed to continue supporting their healing journeys. 


With optimism and gratitude, 

Linda Hart

Executive Director

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Mark Schaefer

Board President

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Sammy's Story

Sammy came to St. Al's feeling defeated after being suspended from his local school. He felt like he got into trouble for everything, even when he was being good. Our experienced support teams helped Sammy to develop coping skills to understand and process his emotions and overcome his challenges.

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"I am not afraid of


for I am learning how to sail my ship."

- Louisa May Alcott

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"4 Things"

One of our students shares the 4 best things about growing up, the 4 bad things, and his dreams about owning a construction company so he can give back to the community.

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Transforming Lives for a Lifetime.

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